Thursday, August 27, 2009


Hey ya'll.
Goodness. My life has ben so busy lately! I am not finding the time to blog! School just started and I have what I call killer classes. So, I am just going to keep this post short and sweet. I am still going to continue blogging as much as I possibly can. However, I am terribly behind on keeping up with all of the other blogs I read. I hope to not lose any readers over this. Stick with me until I can find the time to blog.

Talk to ya'll later.


  1. You won't lose me. I am patient! I am a student myself, so I know school work can get in the way of the fun stuff.

  2. I will keep checking in on you, so post when you can and keep your school work up!

  3. Haha, I can totally relate with classes eating up time for nail polish! Don't worry, I'm sticking around! :D

  4. No worries, I know what you mean. =] I'll keep reading!

  5. I'm also still I'll keep checking your blog :-) I agree that school have to be no. 1 priority study well and we'll be here !

  6. Thank ya'll so much! I will keep this blog up as much as possible. Thanks for being so sweet! :)

  7. I'll be checking every day. So post when you can. Good luck with school.

  8. Focus on school - we'll still be here :)

  9. Worry not! I'm a full-time student as well and life gets busy. :D


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)