Sunday, August 8, 2010


Hey ya'll.
I'm writing this to let ya'll know what's going on with me...

I recently moved back to Tennessee and I'll be starting a new school in a new area. I miss Florida a lot, but it's good to be back "home." All of our furniture and "stuff" still has not arrived at our new house, so things are going to slow down some on this blog. First of all, somehow the memory card for my camera got packed, so I can't post nail pics until I find that little card... or buy a new one. I hope I don't have to buy a new one because I just bought the one I accidentally packed! Ugh!

Also, school starts for me on Monday. This is my senior year (thank GOD!) so I'll be pretty busy. But, I plan to keep this blog running as long as possible. I still have an incredible nail polish addiction, and I need a place to share that with people who share my addiction. :) I have a lot of fun swatching colors and putting them here. My nail polish collection is continuously growing... even though I should probably slow down. ;)

I hope everyone understands what is going on. I hope I don't lose any followers, but I understand if it is too annoying that my posting will be sporadic. :) I hope ya'll have had a fantastic summer or whatever season some of ya'll might be in. :) I have enjoyed mine and can't believe that Monday is the first day back to school. Wish me good luck for a good year. :)

I will talk to ya'll soon and post pics as much as possible. I have so much more that I want to show ya'll. I'll also post little updates like this when I find the time. Thank ya'll for reading!


  1. hi! nice blog you got there :)
    I'm a follower now:)!

    Maybe you can check my blog out as well and become a follower?

  2. Olivia,
    Have a great Senior year! I hope you get back settled into Memphis with a minimum of stress and that you won't miss Florida too much.

  3. Michelle~ Why thank you! I do miss Florida though... things are very different here. But that's okay. :) I'm getting used to it. I hope we can see you soon! :)

  4. Hang in there! Hope all is well. And please keep blogging about your nails! :)

  5. Chitown Meg~ Thanks! Everything's great! I'll be back soon with more nail pics! :)


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)