Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Vlog #1!

Here's our first vlog! I hope y'all enjoy it! What would y'all like to see in our next vlog? Leave us questions, comments, and ideas! Thanks for watching! :)


  1. this was so great! much more interesting than i thought it would be actually..its a great way to know you guys more outside the NP world =) oh and btw Olivia I love your hair, I had it like that a while ago but I let it grow out...because of your vlog im thinking about cutting it again hahah!

  2. Third Eye Blind is amazing. That is why you love them. :) GooGoo Dolls are as amazing.

  3. Well done Ladies! I really liked watching the two of you. I love biscuts and Gravy and Italian! Where's the link to your sisters Blog? I will follow! Oh and I really liked the nail polish you picked nice choices!-Just in case it doesn't let me post with my name, this is Kitty :)

  4. Lauren- Ah! Yay! Glad you liked it! Thank you- haha. My hair drives me crazy sometimes. Like now I'm just tucking my bangs behind my ear because they get so annoying! I go in for bang trims a lot. Hahaha. But I really like this length because I can put it up in a ponytail anytime. :)

    thenailaholic- Yes, they're amazing! And I love the Goo Goo Dolls, too! They came here to Memphis a while back and I so wish I could have gone to see them! :)

    Kitty-Thank you! I'm sorry! The link! We had to cut it down a little because it was ridiculously long. but it's
    She's really cool, so I definitely suggest following her, too! :)

  5. Biscuits and gravy = YUM! Boy Meets World was one of my son's favorite shows growing up. He's 20. Back then he didn't have a tv in his room so I heard all the episodes from the kitchen while making dinner. I teased both my kids by saying I wish I'd named them Topanga(!) because it's just such an awesome name to yell.

    I know what you mean about nail polish storage. You think you've got it nailed (ha!) and then they multiply by the power of 7 and what do you do with them then?

    Thanks for showing us your polish faves. I never knew American Apparel made nail polish.

    Anyway, thanks for answering my questions! Sorry it took me so long to see your fun vlog. I've had respiratory problems following a terrible cold and just now am feeling somewhat better.

    Take care, have a great weekend, and do more vlogs!

  6. Kay- Thanks for watching it! I want to have a dog named Topanga. I think that's perfect for a little puppy. My nail polish multiplies like crazy! I'm glad you know what I mean! Yes! American Apparel makes nail polish and it is AWESOME! Go get some if you live near a store! Great polishes. I hope you're feeling much better- that doesn't sound good! Thanks, again! I loved answering your questions along with everyone else's. :)

  7. Wow that was cool to see a small insight into your real nail polish world :D Loved both sets of the colours you guys chose out, special that dark green opi one, super pretty!

    Although honestly my internet is being just oh so annoying!! Kept on freesing the video but it was great, you guys should definitely do more:D

  8. Audrey L.- Thank you! The green OPI is Here Today...Aragon Tomorrow. It's definitely one of my favorite colors to wear in the fall, and sometimes winter. It's a really pretty, dark shade. We'll definitely do more videos! Thank you for watching! :)

  9. Keep vlogging Olivia and Abigail. Thanks for answering my question. The Barney answer killed me. Poppy is working on getting Abby a DSLR camera - as soon as she figures out what DSLR stands for. Right now she thinks it means "damn superior 'lectronic robot", but she thinks that may be wrong.

  10. Michelle- Tell Poppy that's exactly what DSLR stands for! Thank you for watching and thank you for your excellent question! :)

  11. hey her tumblr link isn't working for me, did she change it?

  12. Sabrina- Yeah, now it's


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)