Thursday, July 21, 2011

How I Store My Nail Polish

A lot of y'all have asked how and where I store my nail polish. I don't think I could have done this in a vlog, so instead I took pictures and I'll show y'all this way. I have a bed side table that has four pretty good sized drawers. Inside each drawer are boxes that have dividers, and that's where my nail polish lives! I have two baskets that I use for the extra nail polish that doesn't fit in the dividers. One is on top of the table and the other is in the third drawer. You'll see those on here, too. So enjoy and let me know what y'all think!
This is the table. As you can see, it's right next to my bed. I have my reading lamp, pictures, candle, and a few other little things.
Here's a close up of the things I keep on it. I like it to be simple and not full of junk. ;)
This is a close up of my favorite picture. I found the frame at Hallmark for about $15. But I'd been looking for anything that said ASAP As Southern As Possible for the longest time and finally found it last summer immediately after we moved back to Memphis. In the frame is Barney. My sweet pup that was with me from the very beginning. He lived to be about 19 years old, and I miss him more than y'all can imagine. My parents had him for a few years before I was born, so he was there when I came home from the hospital. And so began our long time friendship. I also have a lot of his pictures on the memory board above my desk. It's still very hard to think about him without crying. We were best friends- love you buddy! :)
This is the first drawer. It contains a bunch of different things. I have some lotions back in the back, artificial nails I was sent a long time ago, nail files, cotton balls, removers, dotting tool, felt, etc. And the doublemint box has more little files and manicure tools. I also have my ridge filler in there somewhere.
Another picture of the first drawer. That little tiny composition book was my attempt to record all my polishes. Yeah... didn't work out so well. ;)
This is the second drawer. And the first box with dividers. I keep all my "high end" polishes in here. Or what I consider high end polishes.
You can see Chanel, Sula, Chi, Nars, OPI, Essie, Zoya, Borghese, Sephora by OPI, No Miss, and Urban Outfitters polishes. Maybe I should re-word this and say this box contains the polishes I like the best? Or think most highly of? I don't know. I'm weird. But I thought the nicest polishes should go in the nicest, leopard print box. ;)
A close up of the leopard print. This box is pretty full. But I continue to buy more!

This is the third drawer. I have polishes like Rimmel, Sally Hansen, Orly, etc. in here because there are more of them. The brands that I have the most of usually go in here because they fit a little better. And then I always know where they are. This way I don't have a hard time picking out the color I'm thinking of. Works out pretty well!

And this is the pink basket I also keep in the third drawer. I have China Glaze in here mostly, but then I also have brands that I've bought in two's. Like Finger Paints. I only have two bottles from Finger Paints. So some of my groups of two's also go in here. Not many, though, because it doesn't hold very much.

This is my fourth drawer and also where the rest of my two's go. This also contains my Wet n Wild and Maybelline polishes. Then I have a little corner dedicated to my polishes that I only have one of. Like I only have one NYX polish, so it goes in that corner. And then a few other brands like Del Sol and CQ are in the main part of the box.

And this is my last little green basket. It sits on top of the table, because green goes better with my color scheme in my room. This houses my Sinful Colors and then my mini OPI sets. Pretty simple!

I'm so glad I finally re-organized my polishes! They've always been in this set up, but for a while they were all over the place because I was working on nail wheels. It was a pain to look for a certain polish because I knew it wasn't in the place it would normally be. It was a little overwhelming for a while. ha! I did a pretty rough count, but I think I have about 269 polishes at the moment. Crazy!

How do y'all organize your polishes? How many polishes do you own? Do you think the system I use would work out for you? Let me know what y'all think!

Thanks for reading! :)


  1. Nice! The pictures on your desk = ADORBS!

  2. Nice storage unit!!!!!

  3. Aw rest in peace Barney. Why do pets have to die? :(

    You've got a good storage system going there. I don't have as many polishes as you do. Mine all fit on an unused computer desk in my craft room.

    Thanks for showing us where your polishes live. :D

  4. I kinda have the same storage method. I have a white plastic 3 drawer cabinet. The top is for nail polish remover, top/base coats, cuticle oil, orange sticks, and nail art pens. In the second drawer is my favorites/higher ups like Chanel, Nubar, OPI, Essie.. then the bottom drawer is everything else. I only have 80, but I've accumulated 30 in the past 2 months.. yikes!

  5. thenailaholic- Thanks! :)

    imfeelingnail-venturous- Thank ya! :)

    Kay- I know... I wish they didn't have to. I miss him so much. Thanks! This works pretty well for me. I never thought I'd have this much nail polish, either. So I think my system's pretty good! :)

    Emily- I used to do something similar to that! It's just nice to have a little bit of organization. Otherwise I think I'd go insane because over 200 polishes is a little much. Oh well! :)

  6. very cute way of storing them(:
    love the leopard bx!

    <3 BB

  7. LOVE YOUR BLOG. Just started following today, maybe you could check out my storage system?

  8. Beauty Behaved- Thanks! :)

    Sabrina-Positively Polished- Thanks! I'm following you, too! I love your storage system- super organized! :)


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)