Saturday, August 27, 2011

American Eagle: Blue + Sinful Colors: Frenzy & Major Thanks!

Hey y'all! I've been swatching a lot lately, and today I wanted to share one of the American Eagle polishes I picked up! The AE polishes aren't named, but that's okay. This is just a basic, kind of sparkly blue and I topped Sinful Colors Frenzy on my accent nail. I really loved this combo, so take a look at the pics!

The AE polish is super pigmented! I almost left it at one coat, but I decided on two. And I only did one coat of Frenzy. Isn't it pretty over blue? I think it's a great combination that I will definitely be coming back to! The formula on the AE polish is AWESOME, but the staining is pretty bad. I didn't use a base coat underneath, because it's just a swatch, but I recommend using a base coat if you're going to wear it in a manicure. So what do y'all think of the blue and glitter together? Has anyone tried the AE polishes, or even the ones from Aerie? Let me know! :)

I can't even begin to explain how grateful I am for all of my wonderful followers and everyone who leaves me such sweet comments. Y'all are all so good to me, and you've made me feel so confident in what I'm doing here. Thank you SO much for all of the wonderful birthday wishes, too! I never expected to meet such sweet people just through blogging, but I'm glad I did! So THANK YOU so much! I love y'all! :)

Thanks for reading & I hope y'all all have a great weekend! :)


  1. Happy late birthday! That's a nice blue! Good luck with your glitter removal. :) At least it's only an accent nail.

  2. Totally loving the accent nail. :)

  3. Very pretty manicure. Love the accent nail!

  4. Happy Birthday Olivia! You do such a great job blogging-love reading everyday! Keep it up!

  5. This is a really pretty color, but I think that these polishes are overpriced so I never buy them (coming from the girl who spent $20 on DS Original :p).. your nails look really great here, though! Happy birthday again! :)

  6. let us know how your special day went? (:

    love that glitter ive had it for over a yr and havent used it :/ ughh lol

    you did a great mani here, digggin the navy blue with it.

    <3 BB

  7. I never new american eagle sold polish , im gonna have to look for that cause i totally love this color it so bold and beautiful, great blog im now following i hope u can follow and check out my beauty blog

  8. Love that color!
    very cute =)

  9. Chelle- Thank you! :)

    Sandra- Thanks! :)

    imfeelingnail-venturous- Thank ya! :)

    Eat.Sleep.Polish.- Aw! Thank you! You're so sweet. :)

    Emily- Haha, I agree, they are pretty over-priced. But the colors are so different that I want to try all of them. Thank you! :)

    BeautyBehaved-You've gotta use it! And post it to your blog. :) Thank you!

    le sorelle- Thanks! :)

    Britney- Yes, they do! Check them out. :)

    Hunter87- Thanks! :)


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)