Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Essie: Limo-Scene

Happy Tuesday y'all! Today I have a light, dainty polish by Essie called Limo-scene. It's a pretty sheer polish, but every once in a while I want to wear shades like this. It's calming and a nice break from all the crazy colors I wear.

I used two coats because I liked the way it looked. I think three coats would be just as pretty, but it may take longer for it to dry. I've always had a hard time with shades like this, because it seems to take forever to dry. And I somehow find a way to ruin my nails while they're in the process of drying. So the amount of coats on this one is up to the painter!

What do y'all think of this color? Are you a fan of sheer colors like this one? Do you like this brand? Let me know!

Thanks for reading! :)


  1. I like it I think the nail polish look nice on your tone I don't know about it on me!It very light but yet a very pretty color!I hate it when I am doing my nails and while I am waiting to dry I will mess them up lol!!

  2. i do enjoy essie polishes i have a few nice colors by them(:
    cute nails(;

    <3 BB

  3. Every once in awhile it's nice to have a "palate cleanser" color. :)

  4. Looks like a good little sheer polish - bet it'd be fun to pair up with a wild colored tip or something!

  5. Very cute! Whenever I go to the Essie aisle in my Target I'm always tempted to buy these cute sheer polishes :)

  6. Pinkbeauty_love- Thank you! I almost always mess up my nails when I'm waiting for them to dry. I've just learned to live with it. :)

    Sandra- Thanks! :)

    BeautyBehaved- Essie has some great polishes! One of my favorite brands. Thanks! :)

    Kay- Exactly! :)

    Nail Nerd- Ahh! That's a great idea, thanks! :)

    Cat- Me too! They have a great selection of sheer polishes. They're so pretty! :)


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)