Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sally Hansen: Gold Chrome & Vlog 10: ANOTHER Haul!

Happy Saturday, y'all! Today I'm sharing Sally Hansen Chrome Nail Makeup in Gold Chrome. I found this one not too long ago in some nail kit I was given years ago. I'm so glad I found it because it's kinda old school. I like it! It's got an olive tint to it, which I think is pretty cool. I think that's the gold, though, and it just shows up olive in different lighting.

I needed three coats for this one because it's a little sheer and my bottle is running kinda thin. I also used a top coat to smooth out some of the imperfections I was seeing. This is one of those polishes that will always show brushstrokes. That's not really something that bothers me, but the top coat helps hide them a little bit, in my opinion. So what do y'all think of the color? Do any of y'all have these Chrome Nail Makeup polishes? Let me know! :)

And here's my tenth vlog! I'm not really sure why the quality is a little sketchy in this one, but it's not too bad. I also made the music at the end a little longer than normal. It's the song I'm currently obsessed with. :)
Thanks for reading & watching! :)


  1. Hi Olivia! I tagged you for the Sunshine award because I really appreciate all the comments you leave! No pressure to do it if you don't want to, but I just thought I should let you know!

  2. You're a vlog holic, hahaha :P I LOVE those pointed q-tips, that's what I use for cleanup. I pay $3 for a pack like that, I wonder if our Big Lots up here has them that cheap! I never really go to Big lots but I should definitely check it out. Love love LOVE Jason Aldean which I'm sure you already know haha, I saw him in March.. he was so awesome! Can't wait to see your comparison post on those two polishes!!

  3. I know what you mean about Big Lots. Some are just nasty. The one nearest my house, I was in a couple weeks ago. It looked like someone went through and straightened everything up. LOL I'm sure it was more than one person. Even the clearance section was organized. Maybe they got a stern talking to?

    I bought that Revlon 3-mini set awhile back. You just never know what you'll find at Big Lots.

  4. I've never seen that Jessie's Girl ANYWHERE down here, super frustrating! Haven't seen that Revlon tricolor either but the colors look pretty, hope the formula holds up. Nice haul, ya done good!

  5. i have some awards for you love(:

    <3 BB

  6. I have a couple of these polishes but in different colors. Looks good on your nails.

  7. I'd really like to see a comparison post of those two polishes! I'm also interested in that minty green color by e.l.f! It's nice that all of that was only $8!

    And Crazy Stupid Love! We saw that when I was in Tennessee! LOVED IT! I think partly because Ryan Gossling is just so darn hot! Haha. But it was a very cute movie-laughed alot!

  8. Laura- You're so sweet- thank you! :)

    sahar awan- Thanks! :)

    Emily- I think I am! haha. Definitely check out Big Lots. You never know what they might have. Oh yes! Jason Aldean! I looooove him! :)

    BeautyBehaved- Thank you! & thank you for the awards! :)

    Kay- Hahahahah! The one in my hometown is just gross. So I usually don't have much hope for a clean one. But the one out here is great and I'm definitely checking back more often to see what they have! :)

    Nail Nerd- I found mine at Rite Aid! But I know it hadn't been there the times before... so maybe it's coming to your area soon! Thank you! :)

    imfeelingnail-venturous- Really??!?? Yay! I really want to see those! :)

    Eat.Sleep.Polish.- Sure thing! I'm really interested to see how that ELF polish works out. Minty colors can be a pain, so we'll see! Crazy Stupid Love was great! Ryan Gossling is caaaaaaaautttteee! He made the movie just that much better. :)

  9. I have Tanzanite Chrome! <3 it. I tried it for stamping today. My first time stamping, so it was disastrous, but the polish was perfect. If anyone has the SH Chromes, try stamping with them!


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)