Tuesday, September 20, 2011

butter London Haul!

Today's an exciting day, y'all! Ulta had their buy one get one free butter London deal going on! Y'all better believe I gunned it to my Ulta after my classes were over! Oh yeah. You can't miss out on this kind of opportunity. It's too good. I was really worried that there wouldn't be much of a selection, but there really was! I found Victoriana and Wallis! I knew after seeing Victoriana on one of my favorite blogs, Eat.Sleep.Polish, I HAD to have it! It's sooo pretty! And then, of course, I needed Wallis. Everyone knows how gorgeous that polish is! I was so happy when I found it!

Seriously... are these not the most gorgeous polishes ever?! butter London does it up good! I'm so happy to add these to my ever-growing collection. The best part about this purchase was the fact that, well one of them was free, but I also had my $3.50 off coupon. So what did I pay? About $11 for both of these! Holla!
Did y'all hit up an Ulta today? If so, which polishes did you pick up? Did you find the ones you wanted? What other BL'S do you own? Let me know!
Thanks for reading! :)


  1. WoW! Those are gorgeous!

  2. I'm so glad you got in on this deal! And you got Wallis! Awesome! When I went to pay, I had the two Butter Londons and 3 clearance polishes. I asked if I could use my $3.50/$10 and the sales person said I could on the clearances. But you were able to use it on just the Butter Londons.

    I'm so jealous you got that Wallis! ;p

    Can't wait to see your swatches!

  3. Yaay! I'm glad you got Victoriana! You're absolutely going to love it when you put it on-it's much prettier than the pictures! Lol. After you told me about this BOGO Free sale I added it to my calender on my phone and had an alarm wake me up bright and early to order online :) I ended up ordering MacBeth (which will be a gift for my English teacher, because we're reading MacBeth, haha) and British Racing Green. I really wanted Wallis!! In fact, it is on my wishlist and British Racing Green isn't, but Ulta.com was saying they were out of a bunch of stuff. So I had to settle! Can't wait to get mine in-and to see your swatches!

  4. Really great picks! I don't have an ulta =[ lol.

  5. Lucky you at my Ulta it was all sold out =(

  6. I still dont have any butter london polishes but that victoriana is the one I have been lusting over, its so beautiful! The green is great too! Looking forward to seeing how they look on:)

  7. Karen C- Muchas gracias! :)

    Kay- The lady at the check out said she wasn't sure if the coupon would work, but it did! I wonder why they wouldn't let you use it on the BL's ? I liked the colors you found! :)

    Eat.Sleep.Polish.- Ahh yay! I'm so glad you were able to get in on the deal! That is the sweetest thing to give Macbeth to your teacher- how perfect! I really want to see you swatches of British Racing Green! :D

    Nail Art Epicness- Thanks! Aw! That's not good! :/

    Hunter87- Aw! I'm sorry! :(

    Audrey L.-Thank ya thank ya! I'll have the swatches up asap. :)

    imfeelingnail-venturous- Thanks! :)

  8. These are great! I got these two plus Big Smoke and All Hail The Queen. They're all super gorg! I ordered online but got free shipping so it worked out! I'm definitely most excited about Wallis.

  9. Emily- Yay! You got a lot! I can't wait to see them on you. :)

  10. So sweet that you got both for 11$ that's awesome I forgot about the sale and didn't go, :-(

  11. beauxs mom- I know! I was so happy! I'm sorry you forgot! I probably would've forgotten too, but I kept my coupon in my wallet for a week so that reminded me. :)


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)