Saturday, September 10, 2011

ELF: Blue Mist

It's Game Day, y'all! SEC football at its finest. After I type this up I'm getting ready to watch some Razorback football! WPS!
A few vlogs back, I mentioned that I found a set of five different ELF polishes at Big Lots. I wanted to show one of my favorites to y'all. This is Blue Mist, a light, pastel blue. It's so gorgeous! Take a look.

I did need three coats, but it wasn't a hard formula to work with. ELF really doesn't make bad polishes. I'm usually very impressed. I think this blue would be perfect for like an Easter themed mani? It's just that kind of blue. It reminds me of spring and Easter eggs. Isn't it pretty???!???
So what do y'all think of Blue Mist? Do y'all own any ELF polishes? If so, which ones and do you like them? How do y'all feel about the formula? Let me know!

Thanks for reading! Go Hogs! :)


  1. I don't own any ELF brand polishes,just because the only ones I ever see are generic colors at Ross. I didn't know that they made prettier ones like these. It looks very nice on you!

  2. I don't own any elf polishes, but I did see a few I would like to purchase. That is definitely a really pretty blue! And I agree. Totally reminds me of easter!

  3. So pretty!!! It's so pathetic, as I'm scrolling through my blog roll thing on my homepage I know your nails just by seeing them hahaha!

  4. I think it's very pretty and your right very easter looking, I haven't tried any elf polishes yet but I will if I see some.

  5. I don't own any ELF polishes but this one is gorgeous! It certainly would be perfect for Easter!

  6. thalie- They do have a lot of generic colors, I agree. But sometimes you can find pretty ones. Thank you! :)

    NailPolishEpicness- Thank you! You should definitely get some elf polishes. :)

    Emily- Thanks! Haha! I can recognize your nails on my blog roll, too! :D

    beauxs mom- Thanks! I hope you find some. :)

    Sandra- Thanks! :)

    imfeelingnail-venturous- Thanks! :)

    Eat.Sleep.Polish.- Thank you! I'm glad you think so, too! :)

  7. I bought this set too! I haven't tried this one yet, though. Mine looks sort of minty green so I'm hesitant.

    Also, I feel like we have twin polish collections! I have a lot of the polishes you've been posting about lately. Maybe because we both buy polish at Big Lots?

  8. Madeline- Awesome! I'm interested to see if yours is more minty than this. Haha! I have found a lot of polish at Big Lots, so yeah! That's probably why. Isn't it funny how that works out?!? I need to check back there. I might do that at the end of this week. :)


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)