Tuesday, September 13, 2011

ELF: Fuchsia

Hey y'all! I know it's only Tuesday, but what a week it's been so far! I feel like I've been everywhere and done everything. But I know some of y'all are way more busy than me, so I'm not gonna complain, I'm just gonna tell y'all about it! I babysat for a long time yesterday. It wasn't one of my regular days so I felt like my schedule was thrown all outta whack. Plus I had my first speech today in my Oral Communications class. Ahh! Talk about nervous! I have another one to do on Thursday, so I've been preparing for that. I'm hoping one day I won't be as nervous when I get up to talk in front of the class. It's a lot harder than you think it is, but once you get into it you sorta just roll with it. I've also been studying for a Spanish quiz. My Spanish teacher is cahhhrazzzy! She just speaks Spanish the whole class period. I've taken Spanish before, so I kinda know some of what she's saying. But I don't understand enough of it! Needless to say, that's gonna be one of those tough classes. So that's what I've been up to, y'all! I just went through my dashboard to read blogs. So I feel like I'm kinda caught up!

I thought I would continue on with the ELF polishes. Today I'm showing y'all Fuchsia. Real creative name. It was a little hotter today, definitely felt like the middle of July. So here's a hot summer shade!

I needed three coats for this one, too. But like I've said before, I don't think that's a big deal. I think it looks pretty good! It's kind of similar to Purple Pleaser, but definitely more of a pink. And more of a summer shade. I'm pretty happy with it!

So what do y'all think of Fuchsia? Do any of y'all have this color? Or own any ELF polishes? If so, which ones? Let me know!

Thanks for reading! :)


  1. Don't worry about being nervous for oral communications! I took it and it does make speech's easier. Because of that class I even got a perfect score on a 10 minute speech. Also I had a spanish teacher who did that and I didn't know spanish, Sounds like you go to my school! LOL

    I own 3 elf polish's I dont recall the names. They are on my blog under my tab of "Polish's I Own" But that one is very pretty!

  2. This is pretty! The ELF polishes seem to go on really well! I just bought a set of 3 of them for $2.99 at Burlington Coat Factory! A dark navy, dark purple, and champagne-ish color.

    I love Spanish...and I miss it! I wanted to double major but the community college I'm at doesn't offer language courses...maybe when I transfer to my 4 yr school. :) I never get nervous for speaking until I'm up in the front of the classroom...then I freak out and go blank! I hate it.

  3. Too bad you can't just use your youtube channel and pass the class!

    That fuchsia looks so different in and out of the light, eh?

    Good luck with your next speech!

  4. I seen BUNCH of ELF sets at TJ Maxx I wanted them soo bad! Maybe for my birthday lol

  5. Yeah I really can say the same what a week!I hope everything went well with your speech.I hate talking in front of the class it's something I just hate and have a huge problem with.I am a spanish speaker person but let me tell you I had a problem with spanish class I just didn't like the class I mean I passed with a C or was it a D I think last semester.But good luck to you.Anyways the nail color is beautiful and it sure does look different in the sunlight.Have a great day!

  6. Oh forgot to metion I think I own this polish and a other ELF polish!

  7. Three coats is what I think of as normal, so I'm always happy when I find a two-coater (and not that upset when I have to do four). I think I only have one Elf, a frosty white that I got as a swap extra.

  8. Holy Cow! This color is gorgeous!

  9. I know I have said this before, but your nails are looking great! Love this color too!


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)