Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Twitter Question!

Hey y'all! Long time no talk. My bad! My last exam is tomorrow, HALLELUJAH! ;)
I've been wanting to sign up for twitter for a while now, but mostly for this blog. Is it a good way to keep in contact with your followers? I just have no idea how it works. So I'd love it if y'all could leave me some feedback on it. Do any of y'all have a twitter account for your blog? Just let me know what y'all think. :)
Talk to y'all soon!


  1. I have a Twitter, its on the sidebar of my blog. I guess its an easy way to like, update little things for your blog followers to see without actually posting a real POST every 2 seconds, you know? Especially if you use it on your cell phone, too. So then your blog followers can see your tweets and not have like a million things in their Reader from posts. Its really useful, and its FUN!! :D
    Hhaha, you can check out the Twitter bar on my blog just to see how it looks and works, if you want: xxtellmeimawreckxx.blogspot.com

  2. You should get a Twitter! It's fun and it's a really good way to interact with readers/other bloggers.


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)