Monday, August 20, 2012

Orly: Charged Up + Essie: Stroke of Brilliance

Hey y'all! So I'm working all week, which is not normal for me. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it, because it's my last week before I start to the University of Memphis. Kinda freakin out a little! I have Saturday off, though, and I'm pretty happy about that. So today I want to post a polish that makes me happy! I forget about the brand Orly. I hardly ever see new collections in stores because I don't shop where they're sold that often. But I have Charged Up, a bright purple that has an almost jelly-type consistency. I have always loved this. And Stroke of Brilliance just happened to be sitting out on my desk waiting to be used... so guess what... I put it on my ring finger as an accent. Check it out!

Charged Up requires three coats because the first two leave a lot of visible brush strokes and bald spots. But that third coat really makes it what it is. I love this purple! I just think it works really well with my skin tone, but actually, I think it would work with most skin tones. I've worn it at least a thousand times and I just never get tired of it. However, after we moved back to TN, I think I kinda forgot I had it. I forget about a lot of the polishes I have, oops! I also really liked Stroke of Brilliance on top of this. I feel like it just works. Although I do think it would pop more on a different shade.

What do y'all think of this combo? Have you used Stoke of Brilliance? If so, how did you use it? Do you have Charged Up? What do you think of it?

Thanks for reading, y'all! :)


  1. very pretty! I need stroke of brilliance now, lol

  2. I love the stroke of brilliance on top of charged up. Looks neat.
    Michelle (godmother)

  3. I love these! I bought this essie and I had no idea what to put it over! This looks awesome.

  4. gorgeous! love how this looks!


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)