Wednesday, October 12, 2011

butter London: Victoriana & A Job/Life Update

Hey y'all! I've found a little time to update, so I hope y'all are ready to hear some stuff! But first I want to show you pictures of butter London's Victoriana. I showed y'all the bottle pictures of this one and Wallis back in September. I got them when they went on sale at Ulta. I'm so so so happy I picked this one up! It's the most gorgeous blue with tons of silver shimmer. Take a look!

I seriously believe that you can never go wrong with butter London polish. It's always the most flawless application and it just has the best formula! I only needed two coats for this. Another reason to LOVE it. If they weren't $14 a bottle, y'all better believe I'd need a whole drawer dedicated to the brand. For real. Isn't it gorgeous? What's your favorite butter London shade? Did you pick any up when they were on sale in September?

So as y'all know I'm finally employed! It feels great to have that kind of freedom. I can already tell that things are going to get hectic, stressful, and maybe even a little emotional. At least I know I can get moody when things change. But that's just me. How do y'all balance the real world and life? I'd love to know. I have to balance college, with a boyfriend and social life, with family, with expenses, with babysitting, and with a real job. Am I going a little over board? I know most of y'all have way more to deal with, and I can't even begin to imagine what that's like! But anyway, I think I'm going to really like my job. I'm working at a Hallmark store, so it's mainly cards and gift type items. It's really not that complicated, but sometimes business can be slow. And that's when I go crazy bored. But the very BEST part is that I can wear jeans, so it's casual. Of course I need to look presentable. So no holes in my jeans, and a nice top. No problem. And nail polish? Whatever color I want. Thank the LORD! Ahh! For a first job, I don't think I could have found anything better. I will be working a lot though. I still get to babysit on Wednesdays, so I have that day off. And Sundays, because they're closed. So that's the update on my job!

Other life updates? Umm. I'm sure I could go on and on. Some of my classes seriously bug the $%@# out of me! I think that I get along with people pretty well, but these folks... not so much. Well I say that, but I'm not rude and I don't open my mouth, ever, to say what I really think. I believe it's best that I keep my mouth shut. So it's gonna stay that way. Other than that, things seem to be going okay. Although I am a little stressed with all the new things that are happening in my life, other things seem to be straightening themselves out. For now, at least. I hope things stay fairly normal for a while longer. I love when things go right! Don't y'all?

OH BTW! My Hogs! Oh goodness! What a season we're having! I was so so so proud of them on Saturday night. Quite a game for those little Tigers over in Fayetteville. I love a good pay back game! 5-1 babyyy! :)

So how are all of y'all? What have y'all been up to? Can any of y'all relate to the things I'm going through? I always love to hear what y'all think, so definitely let me know!

Also welcome to my new followers! I'm always happy to have new readers, so thanks for joining!

I'll talk to y'all soon! Thanks for reading. :)


  1. I'm glad to read your job is going well. I used to work in a book store and there were busy times and very slowwwww times. I hated the slow times. And other things are straightening out, so that's good too.

    Finding balance--when you figure it out let me know. :D

    The polish is lovely. I haven't used any of my new butter Londons yet. What's wrong with me???

  2. This brand does look awesome, but no Ulta's in Canada, and I don't have any Butter London polishes. Good luck with your job and balancing it out. Seems like the more you have to juggle, the more you can handle, somehow...

  3. congrats with the job! cards and gifts are the best :) but sometimes it will be hard when people look for a card for someone sick or when someone passed away, just keep in mind that you can mean the world to those people by giving them that little extra support. Even when your job seems non complicated you can change someones day in a positive way, and that positive energy will give you some rest and balance in this new experience, dude this sounds like a lot of blabla haha lol but just wishing you good luck sweetie ;)

  4. Congrats on getting the job. :)

  5. Congrats on the job! I'm a stay at home mom, but still wish I could work lol.

  6. It great that you like your job.I wish I had that job.Anyways you have lot on you plate and It just make me feel different cause I am not so busy like you cause sometime I think I can't no longer go to school and all the other stuff I have to do.But I just tell myself I get though the day.

    Anyways lovely nail color you have on and yeah I have no nail colors of this brand its to much for me lol I am broke.

  7. Victoriana is gorgeous, I only have one butter London but I love it so much! A job at hallmark sounds pretty cool I love that store, I agree having responsibilies sure does suck sometimes, it's hard juggling everything but women are made for it! I thought things were hard to juggle before my baby girl and now it's even harder but I always manage to get it done somehow, so i know you will too! love ya lots and good luck!

  8. You can do it. :-) Things may get exhausting, but being busy is super healthy & great for you.. or at least, for me it is. Today I have class 8-10 and work 10-7 LMAO, my head feels like it's gonna explode but $ is $. I need to keep up with this polish addiction somehow haha. Hope your Monday goes well too!

  9. Congrats on the job! The balancing is just a lifelong trick we're all trying to figure out I think -- sometimes you manage it better than others, but as long as you remember to breathe and can find at least 5 things in your day that make you happy you're probably doing alright. :) And LOVE that butter, it looks great on you!

  10. The nail polish looks so gorgeous!


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)