Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New Hair!

Hey y'all! I just wanted to a quick post to show y'all my new hair! I went in today to get it cut and I wanted something kinda different. So I ended up just getting it shorter. I did this last year around Christmas time and just loved having something different. Of course I was clear that I still wanted it long enough to be put in a ponytail. That's always a must for me. Like no joke. I get really fed up with my hair sometimes and just put it up so I don't have to deal with it. Take a look!
I'm really loving it! I feel like it's just the right length. I also got my bangs trimmed up and a little layering. One thing I never do is dye my hair. I just want to keep it nice and healthy. I'm sure when I'm much older I'll start coloring it. But for now, I'm only 18 and I see no reason to dye it. Plus I love the natural color of my hair. So that's that!
I had yesterday and today off of work and school (Fall Break) and I've just done a whole lotta nothing! It feels good not to have anything really important to do. On Sunday I went to get my nails done, just because I felt like I deserved it. I was so tired. Which makes me sound like such a baby because all of y'all work a lot harder than I do. But anyway! I wanted a light, calming color so I chose OPI Bubble Bath and I'm loving it. My nails also grew out so they're kind of back to the length they were before. And square! Yay!
I don't work again until Thursday. And school starts back tomorrow. Next week will be pretty good since I only work Friday & Saturday. And my uncle is coming in town. It's gonna be busy, but fun! I also need to show y'all butter London Wallis pretty soon.
Thanks for sticking around & reading! And welcome to all my new followers! Once I reach 200, I'll do something special for y'all.
Thanks for reading! :)


  1. Love it!! It feels so good to do something different...I've been thinking about getting my hair shorter like yours lately, but I just can't, lol! Yours looks great!!!

  2. Adorable as always with a thousand watt smile!

  3. Your hair looks awesome! You are so cute and your teeth are so nice!

  4. I love your hair! And you have SUCH a pretty smile! :)

  5. That's such a cute haircut, yay! ALWAYS treat yourself ;)

  6. It looks really cute! Who ever cut it did a good job! =] Funny thing is right before I logged on here I cut my own hair lol. I hate going anywhere to get it cut because I always end up disappointed so I do it myself and I always like it lol ironic right? (as i am not a professional lol)

  7. Love the haircut you looks so cute, it's always nice to have a change.


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)