Wednesday, November 23, 2011

OPI: Hey Get in Lime! + China Glaze: Fairy Dust

Hey y'all! I know I'm terrible at posting on a somewhat regular basis, but life just won't slow down! I try to take pictures of my manicures, but sometimes I forget. So like when I wore that red butter London that I showed in my last video, of course I didn't get a pic of that. BUT! That was partly due to the fact that it chipped the next day. Actually less than 12 hours later. I was so mad! I almost never have that happen, and if it does happen it's usually with a cheap polish, not a $14 one. So butter London and I are kinda on the outs right now. I still love the brand, but what a let down that was! I bounced back quickly from that mess, though. The weather warmed up, so I was all about some lighter shades. I went for OPI's Hey Get in Lime! which is a pretty old polish. I've had it for probably two-three years, but I know it's from an older collection. I wanted just the tiniest bit of sparkle, so I added China Glaze's Fairy Dust to my ring fingers. You can barely tell it's there. I also got pictures of this right when it was chipping. And indoor pics, which I really don't like. But our lovely Memphis weather has prohibited me from getting any sunlight pictures. So don't blame me! ;)

I'm not really sure why, but I got TONS of compliments on this manicure. I really have no idea why. But I really liked the way it turned out, and it lasted for about a week. Pretty good, in my opinion! HGIL is one of the best OPI polishes. I love how it's minty green, but has enough blue in it to not be too pastel looking. And Fairy Dust is a crowd favorite, I know. It's one of the best glitter top coats out there.
I got my nails done yesterday in Razorback red and I WILL have pictures of that coming up soon! I'm just waiting for sunshine. I'm also ready for the Battle for the Golden Boot this Friday! GO HOGS! 10-1 baby! If we win this, only good things can come from it! I'm sad, though, that we lost one of our players after last weekend's game. I'm not sure if any of y'all heard anything about that. But one of our tight ends, Garrett Uekman, who was 19, passed away last Sunday. They still aren't sure what happened, but it's just so sad. We have something & SOMEONE to play for this weekend. I'll be calling the Hogs, and I hope y'all will too. W88 PIG S88IE! :)
I hope y'all have an AWESOME Thanksgiving! What all are your plans? Do you stay home or travel for the holiday? My family will be going over to the farm in Arkansas, so I'm excited! Y'all be safe wherever you're headed!
So what do y'all think of my manicure? What have you been wearing on your nails lately? Have you done a special manicure for Thanksgiving? Let me know!
Thanks for reading! :)


  1. I love greens, I'd definitely wear that!

  2. love it! great shade and fairy dust is just aw-mazing! i need it in my life!

  3. That is a very pretty color!

  4. That is so very pretty!

  5. That looks great on you! Love it. And Fairy Dust accentuates it so nicely!

  6. Sorry I'm late to see this. The color looks really nice on you. It's not something I'd normally reach for off the retail shelf. Looks good though and very pretty with the Fairy Dust over it. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving!


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)