Sunday, November 13, 2011

Essie: Super Bossa Nova & Vlog 24!

Hey y'all! So I finally have real things to post! I spent my Sunday afternoon prepping this post. I'm so happy to have something actually interesting to share. I know my last polish post was kinda ehh, so hopefully y'all will think this one's better. First of all, shout out to Edy for letting me use Super Bossa Nova! :) Here are the pics of that.

I'm quite positive this is the best pink EVER. I love love love it! It has a tendency to flash a little bit of blue in certain lighting. I think that's pretty cool. And! It only needs two thin coats. Score! I love a good two-coater. Plus the formula was perfect. So thanks again, Edy! I hope you'll love it just as much when you wear it. :)
So now for my 24th vlog! This one is long, just a fair warning. I had so much to say! I kept it under 10 minutes, though. So if y'all have the time to check this one out, I'd be so happy!
So yeah! That's what's going on with me! I just put on the butter London I mentioned in the video. LOVE it. It reminds me a lot of Ruby Slippers. So I might have a dupe on my hands. I'm not complaining though. Sparkly reds are where it's at! Just kidding. But they are pretty sweet if you're an Arkansas girl. :) BTW! GO HOGS! So proud that we're 9-1! I'm loving this season, but so sad it's almost over.
How are y'all? What do y'all think of Super Bossa Nova? What's your favorite pink? How's your team doing, if you have one? Let me know!
Thanks for reading! :)


  1. This is an awesome color! It looks really good on you! :) I don't have a team, but I'm glad the Razorbacks are doing so great!

  2. Best pink ever? That's high praise. :) I don't think I even own this one.

  3. your right its a beautiful pink! and two coater is awesome!

  4. Hey hun! I'm having a blogsale, feel free to check it out! =)


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)