Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sally Hansen: Get Ready Frost

Hey y'all! So I feel really bad for not posting anything for so long. My life is so hectic! And I'm sooo sorry for not leaving comments on blogs & stuff like that. I feel like I need one really good day to catch up on all the blogs I follow. Maybe I can do that this Sunday? I hope so! I work every weekend, so my Saturday is always shot. Unless I've made plans for the night, but still. I really like my job though, so no complaints! I also have a new boyfriend, so I'm gonna have to fill y'all in on that sometime soon. :)
I found old pictures of a polish I never posted. Why did I not post the pictures? Because the color is so incredibly boring. Like... I don't think I'll ever wear it. It's really not my thing, but it's pretty old, so I feel like it's kinda cool to have it in my collection. So I'm just gonna let y'all take a look at Sally Hansen's Get Ready Frost.

The formula was nothing special & it required three coats. The only thing that I think is kind of neat about this polish is the shimmer. I don't think I captured it very well on the camera, but it's there.
So what do y'all think of Get Ready Frost? Would y'all ever consider wearing this? Do you have a bottle or two in your collection that you know you'll never wear? Let me know!
Thank y'all so much for being such great readers & followers! I'm going to try to vlog sometime this week, when I find the time. I feel like I have so much to tell y'all! Well I do have a lot to tell y'all. Like a lot. So get pumped! AND 200 FOLLOWERS?!? SAAAAWEEET! Thank y'all for following! I'll have something special for y'all soon. :)


  1. New boyfriend? You gotta spill. Don't leave us hanging!

    I'm not really a mauve gal. I think this one skews to mauve to much for me.

    See ya later!

  2. Not a fan of this. It looks like such a typical grandma polish.

    I wanna hear about your new boyfriend!!! I love hearing about new boyfriends because I just have the same old boyfriend I've had for ages, haha.

  3. Welcome back!! I've missed your posts! Yeah, ya gotta spill the deets!

  4. I agree with I wanna hear about your new man! This color is pretty but it would be better if it was more creamy.

  5. Ahh Gotta spill on the new guy!

    But this color is so pretty and perfect for fall :)

  6. I have such a soft spot for older Sally Hansens like this one. Not something I wear a lot but it makes me feel better knowing I have them. :)


Thanks for all ya'll's comments! I love to read them! :)